英文对照flame detector
所属学科电力 > 热工自动化、电厂化学与金属
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供火焰检测器,flame detector,火焰检测器的意思,flame detector的意思,火焰检测器的英文,flame detector的翻译,火焰检测器的翻译,火焰检测器是什么意思,火焰检测器什么意思,flame detector是什么意思,flame detector什么意思
火焰检测器 相关科技名词
- 操作员站operator station
- 历史数据存储historical data memory
- 定时打印periodic logging
- 追忆打印post-trip logging
- 事件顺序记录sequence of event;SOE
- 扫描速率scan rate
- 采样周期sampling period
- 过程控制级process control level
- 监控级supervision level
- 厂级信息系统information system for plant level
- 厂级监控信息系统supervisory information system for plant level;SIS
- 厂级监控信息系统功能站和客户机function computer and client computer
- 寿命在线监测on-line residual life monitoring
- 工艺设备状态监测status monitoring of process equipment
- 机组性能计算unit performance calculation
- 厂级性能计算plant performance calculation
- 机组运行优化指导guidance of unit optimized operation
- 负荷优化分配optimization of dispatching load
- 管理信息系统management information system;MIS
- 工业控制系统用现场总线field bus
- 自动化系统电源power supply of automation system
- 自动化系统气源air supply of automation system
- 热工自动化设计design of thermal process automation
- 仪表控制系统安装installation of instrument and control system
- 仪表管路敷设instrument tube routing
- 仪表管连接connection of instrument tube
- 仪表管固定fixing of instrument tube
- 伴热heat tracing
- 管路严密性试验leakage test for instrument tube
- 顺序控制系统调整试验commissioning test for sequence system
- 联锁保护试验testing of interlock protection
- 模拟量控制系统调整试验commissioning test of modulating control system
- 调节品质control quality
- 模拟量控制系统投入率operational rate of modulating control system
- 保护系统投入率operational rate of protection system
- 输入输出点接入率installation rate of input/output point
- 输入输出点完好率availability of input/output point
- 仪表完好率instrument availability
- 仪表准确率percentage of instrument with allowable accuracy
- 仪表故障率instrument fault rate