英文对照normal profit
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科学技术名词为您提供正常利润,normal profit,正常利润的意思,normal profit的意思,正常利润的英文,normal profit的翻译,正常利润的翻译,正常利润是什么意思,正常利润什么意思,normal profit是什么意思,normal profit什么意思
正常利润 相关科技名词
- 资源品替代效应substitute effect of resource goods
- 资源品收入效应revenue effect of resource goods
- 资源供给理论supply theory of resources
- 资源供给resource supply
- 资源经济供给resource economy supply
- 资源品供给层次性hierarchy of resource goods supply
- 资源品供给函数supply function of resource goods
- 资源品供给定律law of resource goods supply
- 资源品供给弹性supply elasticity of resource goods
- 资源品供给价格弹性price elasticity of resource goods supply
- 资源品供给交叉价格弹性cross price elasticity of resource goods supply
- 资源品供求静态关系static relationship of resource goods supply and demand
- 资源品供给和需求总量关系relationship between aggregate supply and aggregate demand of resource goods
- 资源品供给和需求结构关系structural relationship between supply and demand of resource goods
- 资源品供求动态关系dynamic relationship between supply and demand of resource goods
- 资源品消费行为理论theory of resource goods consumption behavior
- 消费资源品效用utility of consumption resource goods
- 消费资源品总效用aggregate utility of consumption resource goods
- 消费资源品边际效用marginal utility of consumption resource goods
- 边际效用论marginal utility
- 边际效应递减规律diminishing marginal utility
- 货币边际效用monetary marginal utility
- 消费者均衡consumer equilibrium
- 消费者剩余consumer surplus
- 无差异曲线indifference curves
- 边际替代率marginal rate of substitution
- 预算约束线budget constraint line
- 资源品生产理论resource goods production theory
- 资源企业生产要素factor of resource enterprise production
- 资源品生产函数function of resource goods production
- 边际报酬递减规律law of diminishing marginal returns
- 资源企业要素投入合理区rational input region of resource enterprise
- 等产量曲线isoquant curve
- 边际技术替代率marginal rate of technical substitution;MRTS
- 生产的经济区域economic region of production
- 等成本线iso-cost curve
- 规模经济economies of scale
- 边际产品价值value of marginal product;VMP
- 扩展线expansion path curve
- 生产要素替代效应substitution effect of production factor