英文对照opportunity cost method
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科学技术名词为您提供机会成本法,opportunity cost method,机会成本法的意思,opportunity cost method的意思,机会成本法的英文,opportunity cost method的翻译,机会成本法的翻译,机会成本法是什么意思,机会成本法什么意思,opportunity cost method是什么意思,opportunity cost method什么意思
机会成本法 相关科技名词
- 生产要素产量效应output effect of production factor
- 生产可能性production possibility
- 资源企业生产规模报酬returns to scale of resource enterprise
- 会计成本accounting cost
- 机会成本opportunity cost
- 显明成本explicit cost
- 隐含成本implicit cost
- 生产成本production cost
- 社会成本social cost
- 固定成本fixed cost
- 可变成本variable cost
- 资源企业销售产品总收益total revenue of resource enterprise
- 会计利润accounting profit
- 正常利润normal profit
- 经济利润excess profit
- 资源品短期成本函数short-run cost function of resource goods
- 资源品长期成本函数long-run cost function of resource goods
- 资源品市场结构structures of resource goods market
- 完全竞争市场perfect competitive market
- 完全竞争资源品市场条件conditions of perfect competition in resource goods
- 完全竞争资源企业收益revenue of the resource enterprise in perfect competition
- 完全竞争资源企业短期均衡short-run equilibrium of the resource enterprise in perfect competition
- 完全竞争资源企业长期均衡long-run equilibrium of the resource enterprise in perfect competition
- 完全垄断市场perfect monopoly market
- 完全垄断资源品市场条件conditions of monopoly in resource goods
- 垄断资源企业垄断利润monopoly profit of monopolistic resource enterprise
- 垄断资源企业短期均衡short-run equilibrium of monopolistic resource enterprise
- 垄断资源企业长期均衡long-run equilibrium of monopolistic resource enterprise
- 垄断资源企业价格歧视price discrimination of monopolistic resource enterprise
- 垄断竞争市场monopolistic competition market
- 价格竞争price competition
- 非价格竞争non-price competition
- 寡头垄断市场oligopoly monopoly market
- 非勾结资源品寡头垄断independent oligopoly
- 有勾结资源品寡头垄断collusive oligopoly
- 资源生产要素供求均衡理论supply and demand equilibrium theory of production element
- 要素市场结构structure of element market
- 完全竞争要素市场perfect competitive element market
- 不完全竞争要素市场imperfect competitive element market
- 市场组合market combination