等沉粒 equal falling particles 等沉粒的意思 equal falling particles的意思 等沉粒的英文 equal falling particles的翻译
英文对照equal falling particles
中文又称等降粒(equ-al settling particles)
见载刊物《煤炭科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供等沉粒,equal falling particles,等沉粒的意思,equal falling particles的意思,等沉粒的英文,equal falling particles的翻译,等沉粒的翻译,等沉粒是什么意思,等沉粒什么意思,equal falling particles是什么意思,equal falling particles什么意思
等沉粒 相关科技名词
- 摇床选煤table cleaning
- 风力选煤pneumatic cleaning
- 离心选煤centrifugal cleaning
- 磁选magnetic separation
- 摩擦选煤friction cleaning
- 手选hand cleaning ;hand picking
- 主选primary cleaning
- 再选recleaning;rewashing
- 回选recirculation cleaning
- 浮游选煤coal flotation
- 配煤入选preparation of blended raw coals
- 分组入选preparation of grouped raw coals
- 不分级入选preparation of unsized raw coal
- 分级入选preparation of sized raw coal
- 脱泥入选preparation of deslimed raw coal
- 分选介质separating medium
- 冲水flushing water;transport water
- 顶水underscreen water;backwater
- 润湿水wetting water
- 定压水head water
- 跳汰周期jigging cycle
- 跳汰周期特性曲线characteristic curve of jigging cycle
- 跳汰频率jig frequency
- 跳汰振幅jig amplitude
- 跳汰床层jig bed
- 人工床层artificial bed;feldspar bed
- 床层松散度porosity of jig bed
- 透筛排料discharge of heavy mate-rial through screen plate
- 正排矸dirt discharge at discharge end;discharge-end refuse discharge
- 倒排矸dirt discharge at feed end;feed-end refuse discharge
- 跳汰面积jigging area;jig area
- 跳汰分段jig compartment
- 跳汰分室jig cell
- 风阀air valve
- 重介质dense medium;heavy medium
- [重]悬浮液suspension
- 加重质medium solid
- 重液dense liquid
- 悬浮液稳定性stability of suspen-sion
- 介质净化dense-medium purifica-tion;cleaning of dense-medium