英文对照pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium
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科学技术名词为您提供拟稳定渗流,pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium,拟稳定渗流的意思,pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium的意思,拟稳定渗流的英文,pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium的翻译,拟稳定渗流的翻译,拟稳定渗流是什么意思,拟稳定渗流什么意思,pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium是什么意思,pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium什么意思
拟稳定渗流 相关科技名词
- 渗流力学fluid mechanics in porous medium
- 渗流fluid flow through porous medium
- 稳定渗流steady state fluid flow through porous medium
- 拟稳定渗流pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium
- 非稳定渗流unsteady state flow through porous medium
- 达西渗流Darcy flow
- 非达西渗流non-Darcy flow
- 渗流速度flow velocity through porous medium
- 渗滤系数filtering factor
- 非线性渗流non-linear fluid flow through porous medium
- 渗流雷诺数Reynolds number in fluid flow through porous medium
- 多孔介质porous medium
- 单相渗流single-phase fluid flow
- 一维渗流one-dimensional fluid flow;linear fluid flow
- 平面径向流radial fluid flow
- 球形径向流spherical fluid flow
- 二维渗流two-dimensional fluid flow
- 三维渗流three-dimensional fluid flow
- 二维两相渗流two-dimensional and two-phase fluid flow
- 等压线isobar
- 压降漏斗pressure drawdown distribution
- 叠加原理principle of superposition
- 流动势flow potential
- 点源point source
- 点汇point convergence;point sink
- 线源line source
- 主流线main stream line
- 分流线diverting stream line
- 舌进tongued advance;tonguing
- 指进fingering
- 平衡点equilibrium point
- 镜像反映mirror image
- 镜像井imaginary well;image well
- 汇源反映法sink-source image method
- 汇点反映法sink-point image method
- 井间干扰well interference
- 两相渗流two-phase fluid flow
- 压力函数pressure function
- 拟压力pseudo pressure
- 三相渗流three-phase fluid flow