科学技术名词为您提供带号测度,signed measure,带号测度的意思,signed measure的意思,带号测度的英文,signed measure的翻译,带号测度的翻译,带号测度是什么意思,带号测度什么意思,signed measure是什么意思,signed measure什么意思
带号测度 相关科技名词
- 位势论potential theory
- 带号测度signed measure
- 离散带号测度discrete signed measure
- 限制测度restriction of measure μ on set E
- 测度支集support of measure
- 平衡测度equilibrium measure
- μ几乎处处μ-almost everywhere;mu-almost everywhere
- 近乎处处approximately everywhere
- 带号测度若尔当分解Jordan decomposition of signed measure
- 带号测度全变差complete variation of signed measure
- 带号测度正变差positive variation of signed measure
- 带号测度负变差negative variation of signed measure
- 带号测度密度density of signed measure
- 淡拓扑vague topology
- 细拓扑fine topology
- 淡紧vague compact
- 弱有界集[合]weakly bounded set
- 测度卷积convolution of measures
- 位势potential
- 里斯核Riesz kernel
- 对数核logarithmic kernel
- 牛顿核Newtonian kernel
- 伴随核adjoint kernel
- 相容核consistent kernel
- 亨特核Hunt kernel
- 完满核perfect kernel
- 扩散核diffusion kernel
- 核广义函数kernel distribution
- 平衡分布equilibrium mass-distribution
- α上调和函数α-superharmonic function;alpha-superharmonic function
- 调和优函数harmonic majorant function
- 最小调和优函数least harmonic majorant function
- 里斯位势Riesz potential
- 对数位势logarithmic potential
- 牛顿位势Newtonian potential
- 格林位势Green potential
- 复测度complex measure
- 复位势complex potential
- 汤川位势Yukawa potential
- 推迟位势retarded potential