危险货物包装标志 package mark for hazardous goods 危险货物包装标志的意思 package mark for hazardous goods的意思
英文对照package mark for hazardous goods
见载刊物《古生物学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供危险货物包装标志,package mark for hazardous goods,危险货物包装标志的意思,package mark for hazardous goods的意思,危险货物包装标志的英文,package mark for hazardous goods的翻译,危险货物包装标志的翻译,危险货物包装标志是什么意思,危险货物包装标志什么意思,package mark for hazardous goods是什么意思,package mark for hazardous goods什么意思
危险货物包装标志 相关科技名词
- 平均车数average number of vehicles
- 平均总吨位average total tonnage
- 平均总客位average total seats
- 每车平均吨位average tonnage per vehicle
- 每车平均客位average seats per vehicle
- 车辆工作率vehicle working rate
- 车辆停驶率vehicle non-working rate
- 平均车日行程average vehicle daily travel
- 营运速度operation speed
- 行程利用率operation mileage rate
- 载重量利用率truck loading capacity utilization rate
- 载客量利用率bus capacity utilization rate
- 实载率load factor
- 拖运率trailer ton-km ratio
- 挂车配比trailer/tractor ratio
- 单车产量annual output per vehicle
- 车吨产量annual output per vehicle tonnage capacity
- 节油率fuel saving ratio
- 亏油率fuel deficit ratio
- 公路运输总产值total highway transport production output value
- 公路运输净产值net highway transport production output value
- 运输弹性系数transport elasticity coefficient
- 运输系数transport coefficient
- 车辆折旧vehicle depreciation
- 营运费用operation cost
- 运输管理费transport administration fee
- 车辆事故损失vehicle accident loss
- 单车核算unit vehicle accounting
- 车队核算vehicle fleet accounting
- 营运收入operation revenue
- 营运支出operation expenditure
- 全员劳动生产率all-personnel labour productivity
- 司机及助手劳动生产率productivity of driver and assistant
- 劳动工资管理labour wage management
- 行车津贴operation subsidy
- 物资管理material management
- 公路运输行政管理administration of highway transport
- 公路运输行业管理administration of highway transport industry
- 运输市场transport market
- 运输市场管理transport market control