科学技术名词为您提供蝶腭神经痛,sphenopalatine neuralgia,蝶腭神经痛的意思,sphenopalatine neuralgia的意思,蝶腭神经痛的英文,sphenopalatine neuralgia的翻译,蝶腭神经痛的翻译,蝶腭神经痛是什么意思,蝶腭神经痛什么意思,sphenopalatine neuralgia是什么意思,sphenopalatine neuralgia什么意思
蝶腭神经痛 相关科技名词
- 鼻尖下垂鼻drooping nose
- 鼻裂bifid nose
- 鼻颊裂nasobuccal cleft
- 鼻孔闭锁atretorrhinia
- 前鼻孔闭锁atresia of anterior naris
- 后鼻孔闭锁atresia of posterior naris
- 鼻腔闭锁nasal atresia
- 鼻中隔偏曲deflection of nasal septum
- 鼻中隔穿孔perforation of nasal septum
- 鼻中隔骨棘spur of nasal septum
- 鼻中隔骨嵴ridge of nasal septum
- 鼻石rhinolith
- 嗅觉过敏hyperosmia
- 嗅觉减退hyposmia
- 嗅觉丧失anosmia
- 嗅觉倒错parosmia
- 鼻塞nasal obstruction
- 鼻漏rhinorrhea
- 鼻痒rhinocnesmus
- 鼻痛rhinalgia
- 鼻上颌窦痛rhinantralgia
- 上颌窦痛antrodynia
- 蝶腭神经痛sphenopalatine neuralgia
- 额窦区痛metopantralgia
- 后鼻滴涕postnasal drip
- 鼻呼吸困难nasal dyspnea
- 鼻粘连nasal synechia
- 鼻道狭窄rhinostenosis
- 代偿性月经vicarious menstruation
- 鼻水肿rhinedema
- 蛙面frog face
- 变应性仪态allergic “salute”
- 开放性鼻音open rhinolalia
- 闭塞性鼻音closed rhinolalia
- 混合性鼻音mixed rhinolalia
- 嗅谱图olfactory spectrogram
- 嗅试验olfactory test
- 嗅觉测量[法]olfactometry
- 鼻腔测压[法]rhinomanometry
- 前鼻镜检查[法]anterior rhinoscopy