特解 particular solution 特解的意思 particular solution的意思 特解的英文 particular solution的翻译 特解的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供特解,particular solution,特解的意思,particular solution的意思,特解的英文,particular solution的翻译,特解的翻译,特解是什么意思,特解什么意思,particular solution是什么意思,particular solution什么意思
特解 相关科技名词
- 齐次线性微分系统homogeneous linear differential system
- 基本解组fundamental system of solutions
- 朗斯基行列式准则criterion via Wronski determinant
- 刘维尔公式Liouville formula
- 常数变易法method of variation of constant
- 微分算子法method of differential operator
- 拉普拉斯变换法method of Laplace transformation
- 微分方程解析理论analytic theory of differential equation
- 代数微分方程algebraic differential equation
- 潘勒韦理论Painleve&1& theory
- 流动奇点movable singular point
- 固定奇点fixed singular point
- 正则奇点regular singular point
- 非正则奇点irregular singular point
- 幂级数解solution of power series
- 广义幂级数解solution of generalized power series
- 指标方程indicial equation
- 形式解formal solution
- 托姆法式解Thome&1& normal solution
- 解的渐近展开asymptotic expansion of solution
- 艾里微分方程Airy differential equation
- 富克斯型方程equation of Fuchs type
- 汇合型超几何方程confluent hypergeometric equation
- 希尔微分方程Hill differential equation
- 弗洛凯定理Floquet theorem
- 特征乘数characteristic multiplier
- 解的振荡oscillation of solution
- 复振荡complex oscillation
- 施图姆比较定理Sturm comparison theorem
- 边值条件boundary value condition
- 边值问题boundary value problem
- 自伴边值问题self-adjoint boundary value problem
- SL问题Sturm-Liouville boundary problem
- 广义傅里叶展开generalized Fourier expansion
- 定性理论qualitative theory
- 运动稳定性理论stability theory of motions
- 拓扑动力系统topological dynamical system
- 自治微分方程组autonomous system of differential equations
- 非自治微分方程组non-autonomous system of differential equations
- 耗散微分方程dissipative differential equation